Anuj Dalal – Zestard Technologies Thu, 28 Sep 2023 10:44:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Anuj Dalal – Zestard Technologies 32 32 12 Shopify Tips for New Store Owners Tue, 19 Sep 2023 14:04:15 +0000 Continue reading 12 Shopify Tips for New Store Owners]]>
Shopify Tips

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Shopify has carved out a unique niche for itself.  

The platform continues to empower countless new store owners, offering them the tools to create and manage their online shops with ease. 

However, navigating this vast landscape can be a daunting task, especially for those who are just dipping their toes into it. 

That’s why we’ve curated 12 Shopify tips that every new store owner should know in 2023. 

Whether you’re looking to optimize your storefront, streamline operations, or boost customer engagement, this article will provide invaluable insights to help you navigate Shopify’s robust features and set your online store up for success. 

And remember, if you need help with your Shopify store Design, Development, and Digital Marketing, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services. 

Ready to learn those tips? Let’s dive in!

In this article, we’ll cover:

1. Use High Quality Product Images and Descriptions

Using high-quality product images and descriptions is one of the most powerful tactics to attract customers and boost sales in your Shopify store. According to research by Pixelz, images drive up to 65% more conversions.

High Quality Product Image


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your product images and descriptions:

  • Focus on the Quality

Make sure the images you use are clear well-lit, and showcase your products from different angles. Avoid using low-quality or blurry images, as they can turn off potential customers.

  • Show Your Products in Use

Show customers how your products look and work in real life by including lifestyle photos or videos. This can help customers envision themselves using your products and increase the likelihood of a purchase.

  • Optimize Your Images for Speed

Large images can slow down your website, so it’s important to optimize them for fast loading times. Use apps like TinyIMG and PIX – Image Optimizer tools like or Imagify to compress your images without compromising the quality.

  • Use Descriptive Filenames and Alt Tags

Use descriptive filenames and alt tags to help search engines understand what your images are about. This can also help improve your SEO and make it easier for customers to find your products online.

  • Offer Zoom and 360-degree Views

Giving customers the ability to zoom in and view your products from different angles can help them get a better sense of what they’re buying. 

2. Create Upsell And Cross Sell Opportunities

Upselling and cross-selling are effective techniques for increasing average order value. Upsell by offering a higher-end version of a product or an add-on item, and cross-sell by recommending related products or accessories. According to a survey by HubSpot, up-selling and cross-selling can drive up to 30% of revenue.

Cross-sell and Up-sell

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your upsell and cross-sell opportunities:

  • Bundling

Create product bundles by combining products that are often purchased together. Offer a discount for purchasing the bundle instead of individual products.

  • Upsell at Checkout

Offer a more expensive or premium version of the product the customer is purchasing. For example, if a customer is buying a camera, offer them an upgrade to a better model.

  • Add Recently Viewed Product Widget

Add “Recently Viewed Products” widget on the product page or cart page to help customers to remind them of their last viewed products to get more sales.

  • Take the Help of Apps

Apps like Wiser, ReConvert, Selleasy, and Honeycomb are great for setting upsell, cross-sell, and product recommendations on your store.

By offering additional products or upgrades that complement what the customer has already purchased, you can increase the value of their order and potentially turn a one-time customer into a repeat customer. Just remember to focus on providing genuine value and not being too pushy with your sales tactics.

3. Provide Enhanced Search Functionality

Enhanced Search Functionality

Your high-intent shoppers will find what they’re looking for faster with enhanced search functionality – and you can collect important data points about what they want, how they search for those products or services, and how to optimize your offer to match their search queries.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your search functionality:

  • Optimize Your Search Bar

Ensure that your search bar is prominent and easy to use. Consider using a larger font, contrasting colors, and placing it in a prominent location on your homepage.

  • Use Relevant Keywords and Synonyms

Ensure that your product descriptions and titles contain relevant keywords that customers are likely to search for. Use common terms that customers might use to describe your products. Include synonyms and alternate terms that customers might use to search for your products.

  • Use Autocomplete

Autocomplete is a feature that predicts what customers are searching for as they type. Ensure that this feature is enabled on your search bar.

  • Provide Visual Search Results

Consider using images to display search results. This can help customers quickly identify the products they are looking for.

  • Take the Help of Tools

Using search and filter apps like Smart Product Filter & Search, Boost AI Search & Discovery, DOOFINDER – Search & Discovery,  and Searchanise Search & Discovery can provide better search results to customers.

Also, ensure that predictive search is enabled on your Shopify store. This feature is available in many Shopify themes and apps. You can enable Shopify’s built-in predictive search function with a few clicks or use third-party apps to add more advanced search capabilities to your store.

4. Integrate Social Media And User-Generated Content

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching new customers and driving sales. According to a recent study, people spend around 2 hours and 24 minutes on social media platforms. Use platforms like Instagram and Facebook to promote your products, run social media contests, and partner with influencers. 

User Generated Content on Instagram Feed


User Generated Content on Instagram Story


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your social media efforts:

  • Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to make your content discoverable on social media. Create a branded hashtag and encourage your customers to use it when sharing their experiences with your products. You can also use popular industry-related hashtags to increase your reach.

  • Encourage User-Generated Content

Encourage your customers to share photos and videos of themselves using your products. You can incentivize this by offering discounts or giveaways to those who share the most compelling content. You can also run social media contests to encourage engagement.

  • Embed Social Media Feeds

Embedding your social media feeds on your Shopify store can help showcase your products in a more authentic and engaging way. Use Shopify apps like Social Media Feed Widget – Tagembed to embed your social media feeds. There are many apps available in the Shopify app store that can help you do this.

  • Monitor Social Media Mentions

Keep an eye on social media mentions of your brand and products. Respond to any negative feedback promptly, and use positive feedback to showcase your products to potential customers.

Social media integration, such as embedding Instagram photos or linking to your social media profiles, can also help you expand your reach and attract new customers. You can use third-party apps to curate user-generated content, display it on your product pages, and even offer incentives for customers who submit reviews or photos.

5. Utilize Email Marketing And Automation

Email marketing is a powerful tool for any ecommerce business, including a Shopify store. According to studies, 55% of consumers enjoy receiving personalized email offers.

Email Marketing & Automation


Here are some tips on how to utilize email marketing and automation for your Shopify store:

  • Build Your Email List

The first step in any email marketing campaign is to build your email list. You can do this by offering incentives for customers to sign up for your newsletter or by using pop-ups and forms on your website. Make sure to get their permission to email them and allow them to opt out easily.

  • Segment Your Audience

Once you have an email list, you can segment it based on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics. This will allow you to create targeted campaigns that speak directly to each customer’s interests and needs.

  • Use Automation

Email automation allows you to set up triggered emails based on customer behavior, such as abandoned cart emails, welcome emails, and post-purchase follow-ups. This can help you stay top of mind with your customers and encourage them to make a purchase. Tools like Klaviyo & One will help you to boost sales.

  • Personalize Your Emails

Personalization is key to email marketing success. Use the customer’s name, recommend products based on their browsing or purchase history, and create dynamic content that changes based on their behavior.

With the right email marketing strategy, you can boost sales for your Shopify store and grow your business.

Shopify CTA Illustration

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6. Implement SEO Best Practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for any e-commerce business, including a Shopify store, because it helps drive more targeted traffic to the website, which can ultimately lead to increased revenue. According to a study by Business Insider, 23.6% of US ecommerce orders originate from organic search.

Meta Title and Description

Here are some of the best SEO practices for Shopify:

Here are some of the best SEO for Shopify practices for boosting sales of your store:

  • Conduct Keyword Research

Identify relevant keywords and phrases that potential customers might use when searching for products similar to yours. Use keyword research tools to find the most popular and relevant keywords for your business and optimize your website accordingly.

  • Optimize Product Pages

Ensure that your product pages are optimized for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords in the page title, meta description, and product description.

  • Optimize Website Structure

Make sure that your website has a clear and organized structure that is easy for search engines to crawl. Use categories and tags to group similar products and make it easy for users to navigate your site.

  • Build Backlinks

Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can help increase the authority and credibility of your Shopify store in the eyes of search engines. This can lead to higher search engine rankings and increased traffic.

  • Use Shopify SEO Apps

There are a few of the best SEO apps for Shopify stores. You can take the help of the apps available for your Shopify store, such as Avada SEO Suite, SEO Manager, SEO Expert Pro, and many more.  

By implementing SEO best practices, you can increase your organic traffic, generate more leads and sales, and ultimately grow your Shopify business.  Check out our case study on how we helped a Shopify store owner grow his monthly revenue from £10,000 to over £100,000. If you’re looking for proven SEO services, get in touch with us.

7. Promote Your Products Using Facebook & Google Ads

Promoting your products using Facebook and Google Ads can be a highly effective strategy for driving traffic and sales to your Shopify store. 

Google Ads


Here are some tips to help you make the most of these advertising platforms:

  • Define Your Audience

Use targeting options to narrow down your audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This ensures your ads are seen by people most likely to be interested in your products.

  • Ad Extensions

Take advantage of ad extensions to provide additional information, such as product links, snippets, reviews, and callouts. This enhances your ad’s visibility and gives potential customers more reasons to click on your ads.

  • Run Google Shopping Campaign & Facebook Catalog Campaign

If you’re selling physical products, set up Google Shopping campaigns and Facebook catalog campaigns to showcase your products along with images, prices, and other details directly in search results and Facebook/Instagram feeds. 

  • Geo-Targeting

Use location targeting to show your ads to users in specific geographic locations. This is particularly useful if you have a physical store or if you want to target a specific market.

  • Retargeting

Set up retargeting campaigns to show ads to people who have already visited your website or interacted with your products. This helps remind them of what they are interested in.

Remember that both Facebook and Google Ads offer advanced analytics tools. Regularly analyze the data to understand which campaigns are driving the best results and make data-driven decisions to optimize your advertising strategy accordingly.

8. Use Live Chat

According to Statista, the Global customer satisfaction rate with the usage of live chat increased to 81.1% in 2022. Integrating live chat functionality into your Shopify store can greatly enhance customer engagement, improve user experience, and boost sales. 

Live Chat

Here are some tips for effectively using live chat in 2023:

  • Choose the Right Live Chat Tool

There are various live chat tools available, both standalone and integrated with Shopify. Research and choose a tool that aligns with your business needs offers user-friendly features, and provides good customer support.

  • Chatbot Integration

Consider integrating a chatbot alongside human agents. Chatbots can handle routine queries, provide instant responses, and escalate complex issues to human agents when needed.

  • Multilingual Support

If you have an international customer base, consider offering live chat support in multiple languages to accommodate a wider audience.

  • Security and Privacy

Ensure that your live chat tool complies with privacy regulations and data security standards. Customers should feel comfortable sharing information during the chat.

  • Promotions and Offers

Use the live chat feature to share exclusive promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers with customers. This can encourage them to make a purchase.

By implementing live chat effectively, you can provide real-time assistance to your customers, address their concerns, guide them through the buying process, and ultimately create a positive shopping experience that leads to higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

9. Offer Free Shipping

According to a study, 78% of consumers are willing to buy more to be eligible for free shipping. Consider offering free shipping on all orders or on orders above a certain value. You can also use free shipping as an incentive for customers to sign up for your email list or follow you on social media. 

Free Shipping


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your free shipping efforts:

  • Set a Minimum Order Value

Consider setting a minimum order value that customers must meet to be eligible for free shipping. This can help you cover the cost of shipping and increase the value of each order. You can set the minimum order value in your Shopify store settings. You can also use a free shipping bar app such as Hextom to push customers to buy more products to get free shipping.

  • Choose a Shipping Option

Decide on a shipping option that works for your store and budget. You can choose to offer free standard shipping or expedited shipping for a higher order value.

  • Set Up a Shipping Zone

Set up a shipping zone in your Shopify store that includes the countries or regions where you want to offer free shipping. You can also exclude certain areas where you cannot offer free shipping.

  • Communicate the Offer

Make sure to clearly communicate the free shipping offer on your website, product pages, and checkout pages. This will help customers understand the offer and encourage them to make a purchase.

  • Use Shipping Apps

Take the help of Shipping apps for Shopify, such as Shipway, AfterShip, and many others that integrate with your website effortlessly and solve all your shipping issues.

10. Offer Subscription Options

According to McKinsey, 15% of consumers sign up for subscription options to receive products on a recurring basis. By providing customers with the option to subscribe to a product or service, store owners can create a reliable source of recurring revenue that can help stabilize cash flow and increase customer lifetime value. 

Subscription Options


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your subscription options:

  • Identify which Products or Services Would Make Sense to Offer as a Subscription

This could include consumable products, like food or beauty products, or services that customers may want to use regularly.

  • Set Up a Subscription App on Your Shopify Store

There are several Shopify subscription apps available, such as Recharge or Bold Subscriptions. Choose the app that best fits your needs and install it on your store.

  • Determine the Pricing and Frequency of the Subscription

You can offer weekly, monthly, or quarterly subscription options, and you can choose to offer a discount to customers who subscribe.

  • Create a Landing Page

Explain the benefits of subscribing and how it works, and include information about the pricing, frequency, and any discounts that you offer.

  • Promote Your Subscription Options through Different Mediums

Use channels such as email marketing, social media, and other marketing channels. Encourage customers to subscribe by highlighting the benefits and savings that come with a subscription.

Subscriptions can also include benefits like exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or free shipping. You can use subscription apps to manage the billing, renewals, and cancellation of subscriptions.

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11. Abandon Cart Setup

According to Statista, almost 70% of the users abandon their carts.  

When a customer adds items to their cart but leaves your store without completing the purchase, an abandoned cart sequence can automatically send follow-up emails or push notifications to remind them to complete the purchase. Use this feature to remind customers of the products they left behind and encourage them to complete their purchase. 

Cart Abandon Email


Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your abandoned cart setup:

  • Set Up an Abandoned Cart Email Sequence

This should include a series of emails that are automatically sent to customers who abandon their carts. The first email should be sent immediately after the cart is abandoned, and subsequent emails should be sent at intervals of your choosing.

  • Customize the Abandoned Cart Email Template

Personalize the email with the customer’s name and include a clear call-to-action to encourage them to complete their purchase. You can also include product images, reviews, and other persuasive content to entice them back to your store.

  • Set Up an Email Capture Form

Make sure that you have an email capture form on your website so that you can collect the email addresses of customers who abandon their cart. This will enable you to send them the abandoned cart email sequence.

  • Offer a Discount or Promotion

Consider offering a discount or promotion in your abandoned cart emails to incentivize customers to complete their purchases. This can be a great way to entice customers who may be on the fence about making a purchase.

  • Test and Optimize Your Abandoned Cart Sequence

Monitor the performance of your abandoned cart emails and make adjustments as needed. Test different subject lines, email content, and offers to see what works best for your audience.

Abandoned cart apps can help you set up these automated sequences and track their performance, allowing you to optimize your strategy and recover more sales. By setting up an abandoned cart strategy, you can recover lost revenue, increase customer retention, and ultimately grow your Shopify business.

12. Product Review

91% of online shoppers claim to trust online reviews before purchasing. Product reviews can provide valuable social proof for potential customers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. They can also provide valuable feedback for you as a store owner, allowing you to improve your products and customer service. 



Here are a few tips to make your customers write product reviews on your website.

  • Make it Easy for Customers to Leave Reviews

Include a review section on your product pages, and consider using a review app to streamline the process. Make sure that the review section is easy to find and use, and that customers can leave reviews without having to create an account.

  • Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

After a customer makes a purchase, follow up with an email asking them to leave a review. You can also include a note on the product page encouraging customers to leave a review.

  • Respond to Reviews

Responding to both positive and negative reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving your products and services.

  • Showcase Reviews on Your Website

Consider using a review app that displays reviews on your website. This can help build trust with potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

  • Use Reviews in Your Marketing Strategy

Use positive reviews in your marketing materials, such as social media posts and email campaigns. This can help attract new customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

Social proof can do wonders for your Shopify store. Encourage your customers to leave product reviews and testimonials on your website and on third-party review sites like Yelp or Trustpilot. You can also consider displaying the average review score of your products to show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your products.

Key Takeaways

Shopify is an excellent e-commerce platform that allows you to set up an online store quickly and easily. However, with so many options on the platform, it can be difficult to choose what to implement to stand out and boost sales. By effectively following these Shopify tips, you can improve the shopping experience for your customers and increase your revenue.

FAQs on Shopify tips

Why is my Shopify store getting views but no sales?

There could be various reasons for your Shopify store receiving views but no sales, such as poor website design, high prices, inadequate product descriptions, lack of targeted traffic, or ineffective marketing strategies. Identify the issues and take the necessary steps to improve your chances of success. If you still need help, get in touch with us for a digital marketing consultation. 

Is Shopify worth it for a small business?

Yes, Shopify is a great e-commerce platform for small businesses. It offers an easy-to-use interface, robust features, and scalability for growth. It also provides a range of affordable pricing plans, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

How can I improve my Shopify store’s loading speed?

To improve your Shopify store’s loading speed, you can optimize your images and theme code,  remove any unused apps or code, and finally minimize the use of apps. You can speak to one of our Expert Shopify Developers to optimize your store. 

Can I use live chat or chatbots to improve customer support on my Shopify store?

Yes, you can use live chat or chatbots to improve customer support on your Shopify store. Live chat allows for real-time communication with customers, while chatbots can handle simple inquiries and provide quick responses. Integrating these tools into your store can improve customer satisfaction and reduce response times.

Can I create a loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases on my Shopify store?

Yes, you can create a loyalty program on your Shopify store to incentivize repeat purchases. Shopify offers several loyalty program apps that allow you to reward customers with points, discounts, or exclusive offers for making repeat purchases. These programs can increase customer retention and boost sales.

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BigCommerce vs. Shopify: A Comparative Guide Fri, 05 May 2023 08:14:23 +0000 Continue reading BigCommerce vs. Shopify: A Comparative Guide]]>
BigCommerce vs. Shopify

Selecting the best e-commerce platform for your business is critical to ensure that your online store has the right functionality, customization options, scalability, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, security, support, and cost structure that align with your business requirements and goals. A well-chosen e-commerce platform can contribute significantly to the success of your online store and help you provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

In this article we’ll cover:

What is BigCommerce? 

BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform that provides the necessary features to build, manage, and grow your online business. It provides a wide range of tools for building and customizing online stores, managing inventory, processing payments, and facilitating online sales. This platform is known for its flexibility and scalability, making it suitable for small businesses as well as large enterprises.

Overall, BigCommerce provides businesses with a comprehensive set of features and benefits that make it a powerful and flexible e-commerce platform for creating and managing online stores.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a leading cloud-based e-commerce platform that enables businesses to create and manage online stores. It provides a range of tools and features for building, customizing, and marketing e-commerce websites. Shopify is known for its scalability, allowing businesses to start small and grow their online stores as their needs evolve.

The features like designing the storefront to processing payments and managing orders makes Shopify a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large businesses. To get started with Shopify, check out our Shopify Development Services.

BigCommerce vs Shopify

BigCommerce Shopify
Ease Of Use3.33.5
Tools Connectivity4.14.3
Features And Functionality3.64.2
Support And Resources3.14.6
Overall 4.14.6

BigCommerce and Shopify are two popular e-commerce platforms that can help you run an online business. Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer a wide range of features, but there are some key differences between the two that could make one better suited for your needs than the other. 

Let’s take a look at Shopify vs BigCommerce and compare the two platforms to help you determine which one is right for your business.

  • Pricing Plans
  • The pricing plans of both BigCommerce and Shopify are as under – 


    • Basic Shopify: $29 per month
    • Shopify: $79 per month
    • Advanced Shopify: $299 per month
    • Shopify Plus: Custom pricing (for enterprise-level businesses)

    The pricing plans are tiered, with increasing features and functionality at higher price points. In addition to the monthly subscription fees, Shopify also charges transaction fees on sales made through external payment gateways, unless merchants use Shopify Payments as their payment gateway.


    • Standard: $29.95 per month
    • Plus: $79.95 per month
    • Pro: $299.95 per month
    • Enterprise: Custom pricing (for high-volume businesses)

    The pricing plans of bigCommerce are tiered, with increasing features and functionality at higher price points. The Enterprise plan is available for custom pricing and is suitable for larger businesses with more complex requirements. BigCommerce does not charge transaction fees on sales made through external payment gateways.

    It’s important to note that these prices are for the base plans, and both Shopify and BigCommerce offer additional features and functionality through add-ons or apps that may come with additional costs. Additionally, transaction fees may apply depending on the payment gateway you choose, and other factors such as website hosting, domain registration, and SSL certificates may also impact the overall cost.

  • Ease of Use
  • Shopify is known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, making it easy for e-commerce store owners to set up and manage their online stores. This platform offers a straightforward setup process, with a user-friendly dashboard that provides easy access to all key features and settings. Shopify also offers a drag-and-drop website builder, which allows merchants to easily customize their store’s design. Additionally, Shopify offers a large library of documentation and resources, including tutorials, guides, and a supportive community, to help merchants get started and navigate the platform.

    BigCommerce has a steeper learning curve compared to Shopify for some merchants. While BigCommerce offers a similar dashboard-style interface, it may have more advanced features and settings that require some technical understanding. Bigcommerce’s drag-and-drop builder surpasses Shopify in terms of design and flexibility. BigCommerce also provides comprehensive tutorials, and a supportive community to assist merchants in setting up and managing their e-commerce store.

    However, Shopify is often considered more beginner-friendly and may be easier to use for merchants with little to no technical experience.

  • Templates
  • Shopify offers a wide range of professionally designed templates, with both free and paid options available in their theme store. These templates cover various industries and design styles, including responsive designs that are optimized for mobile devices. Shopify themes are known for their high-quality, modern designs and user-friendly customization options. Merchants can easily customize the templates using Shopify’s built-in theme editor, which allows for changes in colors, fonts, images, and more. 

    BigCommerce also offers a variety of templates, with both free and paid options available in their theme store. These templates are designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, providing a seamless experience across different devices. BigCommerce themes are known for their clean and professional designs, with customization options available through BigCommerce’s built-in theme editor. Merchants can make changes to colors, fonts, images, and other visual elements without needing to write code. 

  • Customization
  • Shopify offers numerous customization options, including a robust theme store with free and paid themes, which can be further customized using Shopify’s built-in theme editor. Merchants can also create custom CSS and HTML codes to modify the design and appearance of their online store. Shopify also provides a powerful “Liquid templating language” that allows for advanced customization and flexibility in creating unique layouts and functionalities. Additionally, Shopify offers an extensive app store with thousands of apps that provide additional customization options for your online store, such as product options, checkout processes, and more.

    BigCommerce also offers a variety of customization options, including a theme store with free and paid themes that can be customized using BigCommerce’s built-in theme editor. Merchants can also modify the design and appearance of their online store by editing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. BigCommerce provides a “Stencil templating engine” that allows for advanced customization and flexibility in creating unique layouts and functionalities. Additionally, BigCommerce offers an app marketplace with a wide range of apps that provide additional customization options for various aspects of an online store.

  • SEO Features
  • Shopify offers a variety of built-in SEO features and third-party apps, including customizable meta tags, URL structure, title tags, and alt tags for images. Shopify also provides automatic generation of sitemaps and robots.txt files to help search engines crawl and index your online store. Additionally, Shopify allows for customizing header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.), supports canonical tags, and offers 301 redirects to help with URL redirects and management. Shopify also has a wide range of SEO apps available in its app store that can further enhance the SEO capabilities of the platform.

    BigCommerce also offers SEO features, including customizable meta tags, URL structure, title tags, and alt tags for images. BigCommerce supports customizing header tags, canonical tags, and offers 301 redirects for URL management. BigCommerce also offers an SEO-friendly URL structure by default, which can help with SEO efforts. Similar to Shopify, BigCommerce also has a variety of SEO apps available in its app marketplace for additional SEO functionalities.

    While Bigcommerce has better SEO features, Shopify offers access to numerous third-party apps to incorporate SEO. Both platforms let you integrate Google Analytics for in-depth reports. It’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process that requires ongoing efforts and best practices beyond just the built-in features of the platform. Merchants need to consistently optimize their content, meta tags, URL structure, and other SEO elements to improve their SERP rankings. To build white-hat links for your website using SEO, get started with our SEO services today.

    Ecommerce Development

    Looking to build or upgrade your E-commerce Store?

    Provide superior experience to your website vistitors with Zestard’s E-commerce development services.

  • Scalability
  • Shopify can handle small to large-sized businesses with ease. Shopify offers a range of pricing plans, including Shopify Lite for small businesses, Shopify Basic for emerging businesses, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus for high-volume merchants. These plans come with different features and capabilities, allowing merchants to choose a plan that aligns with their business size and needs. Shopify Plus, in particular, is designed for enterprise-level businesses and offers advanced features for high-volume sales, customizations, and integrations. Although, it becomes difficult to shift to other plans once you have selected one plan on Shopify.

    BigCommerce is known for its scalability and can accommodate small to large-sized businesses. BigCommerce offers a range of pricing plans, including Standard, Plus, Pro, and Enterprise, which cater to businesses of different sizes and requirements. The plans come with varying features and capabilities, with BigCommerce Enterprise offering advanced functionalities for high-volume sales, customizations, and integrations. BigCommerce also offers additional services, such as custom pricing and tailored solutions, to meet the specific needs of larger businesses.

  • Community
  • Shopify has a large and active community of users, developers, and partners. The Shopify Community Forum is a popular hub for merchants to connect, ask questions, and seek advice. Shopify also hosts an annual event called Shopify Unite, which brings together developers, partners, and merchants for networking and learning opportunities. Additionally, Shopify has an extensive network of partners, including designers, developers, and marketers, who can provide services and support to merchants.

    BigCommerce also has a growing community of users, developers, and partners. The BigCommerce Community Forum is a place for merchants to ask questions, share knowledge, and seek guidance. BigCommerce also hosts an annual event called the BigCommerce Partner Summit, which brings together partners, developers, and merchants for networking opportunities.

  • Integrations
  • Shopify has an app store called the Shopify App Store, which offers thousands of apps that can be easily integrated with your online store. These apps cover various functionalities such as payment gateways, shipping, inventory management, marketing, analytics, customer support, and more. Many popular and widely-used apps, such as PayPal, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, and Facebook, have dedicated integrations with Shopify. Additionally, Shopify has a well-documented API that allows developers to create custom integrations and extend the platform’s capabilities.

    BigCommerce also offers a wide range of integrations through its app marketplace called the BigCommerce App Marketplace. Similar to Shopify, these apps cover various functionalities such as payment gateways, shipping, inventory management, marketing, analytics, and more. BigCommerce lets you easily integrate with popular apps like QuickBooks, Xero, TaxJar, and many others. 

    Where Shopify is better for large stores, BigCommerce integrations are better for running an online business.

  • Software Updates Frequency
  • As a platform, Shopify provides regular software updates to its users. These updates are typically rolled out automatically to all merchants on the platform, and merchants do not have to manually update their stores. Shopify follows a continuous deployment model, which means that updates are pushed to the platform as soon as they are ready, without a fixed schedule. This allows merchants to benefit from new features and bug fixes as soon as they are released.

    Unlike Shopify, BigCommerce follows a release schedule with planned updates that are typically rolled out on a quarterly basis. These updates are announced in advance, and merchants have the option to schedule the update for their store or have it applied automatically. This means that merchants can plan for updates and ensure that their store is always running on the latest version of the software.

    Continuous deployment allows merchants to benefit from new features and bug fixes more quickly, but it may also require more attention to ensure compatibility with customizations or integrations. On the other hand, a quarterly release schedule allows merchants to plan for updates but may result in a longer time between feature releases.

  • Market share
  • Shopify is widely recognized as the leader in the e-commerce platform market, with a significant market share. Shopify holds a substantial market share of around 26.2% among the top 1 million websites worldwide that use e-commerce platforms.

    On the other hand, BigCommerce has a smaller market share, estimated to be around 2.07% among the top 1 million websites. BigCommerce, while also a popular platform, tends to cater more to mid-sized to enterprise-level businesses, with a focus on providing advanced customization options, scalability, and many e-commerce features.

  • Customer Support
  • Shopify offers 24/7 customer support through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone. Shopify also provides a dedicated support team for their Plus (enterprise-level) customers, offering priority support and faster response times. Additionally, Shopify has an active community forum that can provide help and support through discussions.

    BigCommerce also offers customer support through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone. BigCommerce provides a dedicated support team for their Enterprise customers, offering personalized support and priority access to new features. BigCommerce also has an active community forum and a community-driven “BigCommerce Community” platform where users can ask questions, share knowledge, and seek help from other BigCommerce users.

    However, Shopify’s customer support is known for its responsiveness and availability, with 24/7 support across all plans, including a dedicated support team for Plus customers. BigCommerce also offers comprehensive support, including a dedicated team for Enterprise customers, but its response times and availability may vary depending on the plan and level of service.

  • Security
  • Shopify is known for its robust security features. It provides SSL encryption for all online stores, which helps protect customer data and transactions. Shopify also offers a Level 1 PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant hosting environment, which ensures that sensitive credit card information is securely processed and stored. Additionally, Shopify regularly updates its software to address security vulnerabilities and offers features such as fraud detection, two-factor authentication, and automated backups.

    BigCommerce also offers advanced security features, including SSL encryption, PCI DSS compliance, and regular software updates to address security vulnerabilities. BigCommerce also provides security measures like DDOS protection, web application firewalls, and malware scanning to further enhance the security of online stores. This platform also offers a dedicated SSL certificate for checkout pages to enhance customer trust and security during the checkout process.

    Which Platform Is Right for You? 

    Choosing the right e-commerce platform for your business depends on various factors, including your business requirements, budget, technical expertise, scalability needs, design preferences, and more. Both Shopify and BigCommerce are reputable e-commerce platforms with their strengths and weaknesses. 

    It’s important to carefully evaluate and compare the features, pricing, ease of use, customization options, SEO features, scalability, community support, and integrations of both Shopify and BigCommerce to determine which one aligns best with your online business needs.

    Use BigCommerce if – 

    • Want excellent built-in features
    • Grow your online business across multiple channels
    • Have intensive coding knowledge

    Use Shopify if – 

    • Want more control over your website features
    • Running a large business with complex inventory
    • Require more options of third-party apps

    Key Takeaways

    While both Shopify and BigCommerce are popular e-commerce platforms with similar functionalities, they have some differences in terms of pricing, customization, features, scalability, design, payment options, and ease of use. Carefully comparing these factors and aligning them with your business requirements can help you choose the platform that best suits your needs and goals. 

    Magento is also a cloud-based e-commerce platform that provides businesses with the tools and features needed to build and operate an online store. Check out our complete guide on Magento vs Shopify to compare between the two.

    FAQs on BigCommerce vs. Shopify 

  • Is BigCommerce good for small businesses?
  • Yes, BigCommerce is a great e-commerce platform for small businesses as it offers features like easy customization, scalability options, and integrations that can help small businesses compete in the online marketplace.

  • Why do so many companies use Shopify?
  • Many companies use Shopify for their online business because of the combination of ease of use, customization options, payment and shipping flexibility, scalability, mobile responsiveness, app ecosystem, security, and support features.

  • Can I sell digital products on BigCommerce?
  • Yes, you can sell digital products on BigCommerce. To sell digital products on BigCommerce, you can create a product listing for your digital product, just like you would for physical products. You can add product details, images, pricing, and other relevant information to your product listing. 

  • Is Shopify cheaper than BigCommerce?
  • The cost of using Shopify or BigCommerce depends on the specific plan that you choose. Generally speaking, Shopify tends to be cheaper than BigCommerce for entry-level plans, whereas BigCommerce may offer better value for larger businesses or those with more complex needs.

  • How much does Shopify take per sale?
  • The amount that Shopify charges per sale depends on the type of Shopify plan you choose. Shopify’s basic plans charge a transaction fee of 2.9% + 30 cents per sale, while its advanced plans have no transaction fees. Additionally, there may be other costs associated with using Shopify, such as credit card processing fees, add-on fees, or additional transaction fees for certain payment methods.

  • What is the easiest e-commerce platform?
  • Shopify is widely recognized as one of the most user-friendly e-commerce platforms. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, pre-designed templates, and a wide range of features that make it easy for businesses to create and customize their online store without needing extensive technical knowledge. 

    Zestard Participated as Gold Sponsor in Laracon India 2023 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 05:37:02 +0000 Continue reading Zestard Participated as Gold Sponsor in Laracon India 2023]]>
    Zestard Participated as Gold Sponsor in Laracon India 2023

    Laracon India 2023 was held at Club O7 Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on 25-26 February. This event was attended by 1100 Laravel developers from all over the world. It was aimed at bringing together Laravel enthusiasts to share their experiences, knowledge, ideas, and tap into business networks. Also, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the Laravel community was a major focus.

    There were several notable speakers at the event, including Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel. The event saw him announce the launch of Laravel Volt, which promises some amazing features that we can’t wait to explore.

    Zestard has been an active participant in the Laravel community. We also take pride in being a Gold Sponsor at the Laracon India event in 2023.

    About Laravel

    Laravel is a powerful and popular framework that has gained a large following in the PHP development community. It is widely used for building web applications of all kinds, from small projects to large-scale enterprise applications.

    This framework is designed to make web application development faster and more efficient by providing a set of tools and features that allow developers to build robust and scalable applications with ease.

    Zestard & Laravel 

    Zestard leverages Laravel to build a wide range of applications, including Ecommerce, Startups, and Micro Saas. Our team has built over 30 applications that are actively used by 25,000+ customers.

    As a Gold Sponsor at the event, we were excited to give back to the community that has helped us grow our business. Our participation aimed to support the community, share our knowledge, and learn from others. We believe in the power of collaboration and the value of knowledge-sharing to foster growth and innovation in the Laravel community.

    Summing Up

    Overall, the Laracon IN 2023 was a highly successful event that provided an excellent platform for developers to expand their knowledge, ideas, and tap into business networks in the Laravel community. As a Gold Sponsor, Zestard was proud to support the event and give back to the Laravel community. We are excited to see what’s in store for next year’s upcoming Laracon!

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    Integrate Shopify With Etsy: Is It The Right Choice For You? Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:00:53 +0000 Continue reading Integrate Shopify With Etsy: Is It The Right Choice For You?]]> Integrate Shopify With Etsy

    Are you already selling on Etsy and looking to grow your online business by building a Shopify Store? Or are you already selling using both platforms but have not set up the integration yet? In this article, let’s check out the perks of integrating both platforms.

    What is Shopify?

    Shopify is an e-commerce platform that enables businesses to create and manage their own online stores. It provides Shopify users with tools for customizing the look, feel, and functionality of their store, as well as managing inventory, orders, customers, payments, shipping, and other aspects of running an online business.

    Shopify also offers powerful analytics tools for tracking store performance, giving you the insights you need to make smarter decisions for your business. Learn more about our Shopify Development Services.

    What is Etsy?

    Etsy is an online marketplace where entrepreneurs can list their handmade products and vintage items. It connects sellers with buyers who are actively looking to purchase unique items. With its wide range of categories and product selection, Etsy is a great way to reach new customers and expand your business.

    Does Shopify Integrate with Etsy?

    Yes, Shopify can be integrated with Etsy so entrepreneurs and makers can take advantage of the features offered by both platforms. With this integration, users are able to sync products across both sites, manage orders more efficiently, and gain valuable insights into how their products are performing.

    Additionally, it allows entrepreneurs and makers to expand their reach and increase visibility in new markets. By connecting Shopify with Etsy, makers can maximize their potential for success and reach more customers than ever before.

    Why Integrate Shopify with Etsy?

    Many e-commerce ventures that started out as side hustles are now expanding into larger businesses. If you already have a Shopify store, you could potentially think of creating an account on Etsy and syncing your products. By syncing the two platforms together, you can expand the reach of your business and grow your customer base in new markets. You can also automate the process of listing and updating products on both platforms, making it easier to manage your business from one central location. 

    For users selling their products on Etsy, the platform’s limited features often prevent them from conducting business operations at scale. That’s why entrepreneurs turn to a Platform like Shopify to grow their businesses.

    Advantages of Using Etsy and Shopify Together

    Integrating Shopify with Etsy has many advantages. By combining both platforms, you can maximize your potential for success by increasing visibility across multiple channels.

  • Increased Sales
  • By listing your products on both Shopify and Etsy, you can reach a wider audience, leading to increased sales.

  • Streamlined Operations
  • Integrating the two platforms allows for a seamless process of updating product information, inventory, and orders.

  • Access to Etsy’s Large Customer Base
  • Etsy has a large, dedicated customer base that you can tap into by integrating with Shopify.

  • Time-Saving
  • By integrating Shopify and Etsy, you can automate many tasks, freeing up time to focus on growing your business.

  • Easy Tracking and Analysis
  • Integrating the two platforms provides an easy way to track and analyze sales data across multiple channels.

    Shopify CTA Illustration

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

    Set up your Shopify store or migrate to one with Zestard’s Shopify Development services.

    With the power of automation, you can focus on other aspects of your business while still keeping your customers happy and informed. By expanding your reach and increasing your visibility, you can grow your business in new markets and reach more potential customers than ever before.

    Learn more about our digital marketing services to grow your business. 

    What are the Challenges of Integrating Shopify with Etsy

    Although integrating Shopify with Etsy has its advantages, it also brings some challenges. Managing both the Shopify store and Etsy store may require additional resources and time in order to keep both platforms up-to-date and running smoothly. With Etsy, you’ll be competing against other online stores selling similar items, while Shopify allows you to create a unique online store that stands out from the competition. 

    Ensure you have a plan in place for how you will manage orders, customer service inquiries, and other administrative tasks. While juggling multiple accounts on different platforms can be difficult, it pays off in the long run if you’re able to properly capitalize on both platforms’ advantages.

    How to Integrate Shopify and Etsy

    Here are a few ways to integrate Shopify and Etsy:

  • Coding the APIs (Application Programming Interface)
  • This method requires programming knowledge and experience. We do not recommend this method to an Ecommerce Store Owner – it is time-consuming and not worth your effort. We recommend using any of the above third-party jobs for the best. 

    Since we are a Shopify Development Agency, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. 

  • Third-party Applications
  • There are several applications available in the market that you can use to integrate Shopify and Etsy. Please find here some of our recommendations – Litcommerce, Sellbery, CedCommerce, and Digital Product Labs.

    After connecting both Shopify and Etsy together using any of the above-mentioned methods, you can sync the inventory and integrate both stores.

    Final Thoughts

    Integrating Shopify with Etsy is an efficient way to increase visibility across multiple channels, automate product listing processes, and gain valuable insights through analytics. Although there are some challenges associated with running both a Shopify store and an Etsy store, the benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

    By taking advantage of the power of both platforms, you can maximize your potential for success and reach more customers than ever before. With the right strategy in place, connecting Shopify and Etsy is a great way. 

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    What Is SKU In Shopify & How To Manage Them? Tue, 31 Jan 2023 07:34:14 +0000 Continue reading What Is SKU In Shopify & How To Manage Them?]]>
    What is SKU in Shopify

    SKU stands for “Stock Keeping Unit”, it is a unique identifier used to identify individual products in Shopify. SKUs are used to differentiate between different products, allowing you to better manage your store inventory and keep track of individual products.

    They can also help simplify the ordering process by ensuring that customers get the correct item when they make a purchase.

    What is SKU in Shopify?

    Shopify is an e-commerce platform that provides merchants with a wide range of tools to create a successful online store. One of the core concepts within Shopify’s workflow is SKU or Stock Keeping Unit. It’s essentially a unique code that helps merchants quickly identify and locate products in their inventory. 

    In Shopify, SKUs are assigned to each product in the store. They allow you to easily identify each item and track inventory levels. Shopify also uses SKUs to determine product availability and pricing, as well as other important metrics such as sales and stock levels.

    An SKU encompasses all the essential product details such as size, color, or any other features that may differ, and can include letters or alphanumeric characters like “ABC-123”. With this feature, merchants can keep better track of their merchandise both in and out of stock, helping simplify inventory control and customer service processes.

    How Does an SKU Work?

    SKUs work by assigning each product in your store a unique code. The numbers or letters in the SKU often represent different characteristics of the item such as color, size, or material used in the product. This helps retailers narrow down product variant choices quickly when customers are looking for something specific.

    Not only does this streamline customer service, but it can also reduce labor costs for stores. Retailers use the SKU number for inventory tracking and management purposes – by inputting the correct information in their databases at regular intervals, they can easily monitor stock levels and take necessary action when needed. The SKU also helps streamline ordering, as customers can easily enter an item’s SKU when ordering online.

    How to Create an Efficient SKU Number System in Shopify?

    Creating unique SKU codes for your Shopify store is not as complicated as it may seem. 

    For Example – Let’s say your product is a Blue denim of size 32. Your SKU code will be – “DEN-BLU-032”.

    • Top Level Identifier – “DEN”
    • Unique Identifier – “BLU”
    • Sequential Number – “032”

    Now let’s check out each step on how to create your SKU code for this particular product.

    To create an efficient SKU number system:

    1. Start with Top-Level Identifier

    Creating an SKU begins with selecting what your top-level identifier will be – this could be anything from the type of the product, the type of material it’s made from, or the category of the product. Choosing an appropriate top-level identifier is essential to ensure your SKU works as intended and makes life easier when managing inventory.

    The top-level identifier of your product would be “DEN”, where “DEN” is the abbreviation for denim.

    2. Assign Unique Identifiers

    In the middle section include unique identifiers to subcategorize your SKU. Examples may include product type, color, design, or even style. By combining these attributes into specific sequences, you can assign each item its own unique identifier for easy inventory tracking in your system. 

    The unique identifier of your product would be “BLU”, where “BLU” stands for the color Blue.

    3. End with Sequential Numbers

    Use a sequential number to finish your SKU code. It helps identify older items versus newer items in your inventory and makes counting stock easy. Therefore, no matter how many products you need to organize, the SKU lets you know which items have been in stock for a longer period.  

    The sequential number of your product would be “032”, where “032” represents the waist size of the denim.

    4. Differentiate with Symbols

    After getting done with your top-level identifier, unique identifier, and sequential number, separate each using symbols. You can use hyphens or slashes to separate each part of the SKU. 

    The final SKU code of your product would be “DEN-BLU-032”, where “DEN” is the abbreviation for denim, “BLU” stands for the color Blue, and “032” is the size of the denim.

    Shopify CTA Illustration

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

    Set up your Shopify store or migrate to one with Zestard’s Shopify Development services.

    5. Add SKUs to Inventory Management System

    After creating the SKUs, record them within the inventory software to ensure that tracking and updating stock levels are accurate. Once all of the SKUs have been added to the system, it enables businesses to monitor products easily through their barcodes or scanning devices, providing an effective means of managing inventory levels across multiple locations.

    6. Create SKU Barcode Labels

    To create an SKU barcode label, you will need a printer, scanner, and software designed for the purpose. First, you must assign an SKU to each item in your inventory and print the corresponding label on self-adhesive paper. Then the next step would be to scan the barcode label so it is properly incorporated into your system’s database. 

    How to Add an SKU to Your Products in Shopify? 

    To add SKU to your products in Shopify follow the following steps – 

    • Navigate to the “Products” tab in your Shopify admin panel
    •  Select the product you would like to add SKU to
    • Click on the “Edit” button
    • Scroll down until you see the “SKU” option
    • Input the value of the SKU into the appropriate field
    • Save the changes

    You can enter whatever value suits your store best, some stores choose to include product color or size in their SKUs, while others may prefer simply a unique alphanumeric listing. Your new SKU will now display in the product list and on each product page when accessed by buyers.

    Benefits of Using SKU in Shopify

    Using SKUs in your Shopify store can bring many benefits. They help you better organize and manage inventory, reduce mistakes in orders, and simplify the ordering process for customers. Additionally, SKUs are a great way to easily track product prices and availability information.

    SKUs can be beneficial for companies dealing with a large number of different items as it allows them to quickly identify differences between similar products and make accurate changes without wasting resources. Precisely tracking stock levels helps maximize profits and minimize costs. 

    SKUs also provide helpful insights into customer behavior since customers tend to buy more when there’s a wide range of items available to choose from. Ultimately, having the information from SKUs enables successful and efficient business practices that give businesses major advantages in the market.

    Best Practices for Creating an SKU

    To get the most out of your SKUs it is important to have a well-defined structure in place before assigning numbers. Begin by defining the various characteristics that make up a product. This includes color, size, edition, type, and other relevant factors. Once you have differentiated between all the types of products you need to determine whether they should be recognized as separate items or grouped together as variations of a common product. 

    Assign each item its own unique number so that there is no overlap in SKU codes and confusion between similar products. Additionally, when creating a SKU system, it’s important to make sure your SKUs are easy to read and distinguishable from each other. This helps reduce errors in orders and ensures that customers get the correct item when they purchase. 

    Finally, consider adding descriptive information such as product descriptions or other categorizing information to your SKUs for more detailed tracking. By taking the time to create a well-organized SKU system, you can ensure that your store runs smoothly and customers have a positive experience ordering from you.

    Final Thoughts

    SKUs are an essential code for any Shopify store, as they help you keep better control of inventory, price products properly, and streamline the ordering process. When creating an SKU number system, it’s important to decide how detailed the numbers should be and make sure they are easy to read and distinguishable from each other. 

    With an efficient SKU system, you can ensure your store runs smoothly and customers receive the correct items when making purchases. If you need help with creating or managing SKUs on your Shopify store, investing in a Shopify Development Service is worth considering.

    FAQs on SKUs

  • Is a SKU a product number?
  • An SKU is typically a unique identifier that is assigned to every item in a company’s inventory. It can be compared to a product number as both are used similarly to track and trace items within an inventory system. Companies use SKUs to give each item in their range a distinct code so it can be quickly accessed or found when needed.

  • Do you need SKU on Shopify?
  • Having an SKU on your Shopify is not mandatory. Although it is recommended SKUs provide an easy way to identify and categorize your products without needing detailed descriptions, making it easier to organize and effectively track your stock.

  • What is SKU example?
  • An SKU typically consists of a combination of letters and numbers to act as a unique identifier for each item. An SKU example can be any combination of letters and numbers, such as ‘ABCD-987’ or ‘QWER-324’.

  • Does Shopify create SKU?
  • No, Shopify does not create SKUs by itself. However, the Shopify platform lets you install a third-party app for creating and generating SKUs in your Shopify store. 

  • Do you need SKU for dropshipping?
  • No, SKU is not mandatory for a dropshipping business. Some dropshippers find that having SKU numbers makes it much easier to track inventory, separate profits between vendors, and scale the business quickly over time. However, others find that without SKU numbers their business runs smoothly.

    More Blogs on Shopify

    12 Shopify Tips for New Store Owners

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    How to Change Shopify Store Name Tue, 03 Jan 2023 08:46:01 +0000 Continue reading How to Change Shopify Store Name]]>
    How to Change Shopify Store Name

    Shopify is a web-based eCommerce platform that enables businesses and individuals to design, configure, launch and manage an online store. It has many features, such as an integrated payment system, unlimited bandwidth, mobile app access, analytics, marketing tools, and integration with major social media networks. Shopify is designed for entrepreneurs of any size – from small businesses to large established brands – offering simple setup and customization.

    When setting up a Shopify store, it is important to create a good Shopify store name. Your actual store name is the name that appears on your storefront and provides customers with an idea of what products or services you offer. Your store name ensures that your Shopify storefront will be easily discoverable by potential customers and give them a great first impression when they arrive.

    Whatever the reason, changing your current store name is actually not that difficult – as long as you follow the steps outlined in this blog post, you’ll be able to do it without any problems. Let’s get started!

    How to Change Store Name on Shopify

    Changing the name of your Store on Shopify is simple and straightforward. All it takes is a few clicks to update your existing Shopify store name, making sure that all of your customers know what to look for when searching for you. You can make your store name something creative and unique, or simply use a variation on your business name. To change your Shopify store name – 

    1. Log in to your Shopify Admin Account

    Log in to your Shopify Admin Panel Dashboard and select “Settings”. You will find settings in the left-hand menu.

    2. Go to “Store Details”

    Navigate to “Store Details” and select “Basic Information Block”. Click on “Edit”. You can update your store name, your company’s legal name, and your industry as well.

    3. Enter a new name for your Shopify store

    Enter a new name for your Shopify store under the “Store Name” field.

    4. Click on “Save Changes”

    Save the changes you made by clicking on “Save Changes”.

    A new store name may help you attract new customers and better capture the essence of your company. Before finalizing a new name, it’s important to consider how it will impact every aspect of your business from marketing materials to branding and logos. Additionally, you need to consider whether or not a new store URL is necessary along with the new store name, as this can play a key role in finding your store online. 

    Shopify CTA Illustration

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

    Set up your Shopify store or migrate to one with Zestard’s Shopify Development services.

    Impact of Changing Shopify Store Name on SEO

    Changing the name of your Shopify store name can have a serious impact on its overall SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It can disrupt backlink credibility, confuse the search engines, or even loss of rankings in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Therefore, it’s important to be thoughtful when considering changes in store names. If you do decide to make a change, make sure to use 301 redirects to maintain search engine visibility and update any backlinks with the new store URL. Doing so will help prevent major losses in organic traffic and give your store the best chance at ranking well in search engine results.


    Changing the name of your Shopify store can have serious consequences on its SEO and should be done carefully after considering the potential impact of a name change. It is essential to carefully evaluate all potential impacts of changing your Shopify store name before making any changes. With proper preparation and help from a Shopify Development Service, businesses can make a successful transition to their new store name without too much disruption in traffic or ranking.

    Overall, changing the Shopify store name is not as complicated as it may seem but it is important to pay attention to the details and make sure that you are following best practices in order to ensure a successful transition.

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can two Shopify stores have the same name?
  • No. Shopify does not allow two stores to have the same name, so it is important to make sure that your store has a unique name before setting up your shop.

  • Does the name of your Shopify store matter?
  • Absolutely! Your store name is the first thing customers see when they visit your shop, and it can have a big impact on how people perceive you. Ensure to choose a name that’s easy to remember and accurately reflects what you do. 

  • Does my Shopify store name have to match my business name?
  • It’s not required, but it can help create a more cohesive brand identity. If you have an established business name, consider using that as your shop name to make sure customers can easily recognize your brand. 

  • How many Shopify stores can I have with one account?
  • You can have up to five stores with one Shopify account. This way, you can create multiple stores for different products and services, or even make use of Shopify’s multilingual capabilities to reach more customers around the world.

    Browse more related articles on our Shopify category page.

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    What are Tags on Shopify: Types & Best Practises Explained Thu, 29 Dec 2022 06:48:40 +0000 Continue reading What are Tags on Shopify: Types & Best Practises Explained]]>
    What are Tags on Shopify

    Shopify tags are labels that can be applied to the products, blogs, customer data, returns, transfers, orders, and more in your Shopify store. They help you organize and categorize products, making it easier for potential customers to find what they’re looking for, and help search engines more accurately crawl and index the content on your website.

    You can also use tags to create collections in your online store, allowing customers to browse through a curated selection of various items based on their interests or shopping habits.

    By tagging products with relevant keywords, you make them easier to find in search engine results, increasing your chances of appearing in web searches related to those keywords. For instance, you could create a collection for women’s clothing or a collection featuring items from your latest promotion.

    You could even create tags based on customer feedback or reviews, making it easier for customers to find the most popular items in your online apparel store.

    Types of Tags in Shopify

    If you own a Shopify store, you need to be familiar with Shopify tags. In this post, we’ll give you a rundown of the different types of tags available in Shopify. 

    1. Product Tag

    Product tags, in particular, offer businesses straightforward ways to differentiate and identify the various products they sell. By assigning individual product tags to each item, a business can make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and also conveniently track their store’s inventory.

    Every Shopify store will automatically receive its own set of automated collections of product tags that make sorting inventory even easier.

    Customers can use product tags on your site to easily find what they need. This feature also allows you to cross-sell and upsell specific items related to the one being viewed by a customer. In addition, product tags provide valuable insights into your customer’s online shopping habits as it gives an overview of their existing purchases in one place.

    2. Transfer Tag 

    Transfer tags are a great way for shop owners to keep track of products that need to be moved or transferred from one store or location to another. As an owner, you can assign transfer tags to any product that needs to be relocated, and can easily pull up a report later on to see what items have been transferred. 

    With Transfer Tag, users can mark orders going to a different location or store as well as create product suppressions and use stock transfer rules for returned items. This helps smaller businesses streamline their operations and delivers a smooth customer experience at the same time.

    3. Customer Tag

    With customer tags, you can tag customers with information that is beneficial to your business, such as purchase frequency, location, or loyalty level. These tags then help form the basis of smart segments and collections that can be created within the store so your team can easily view various groupings of customers depending on their individual attributes. 

    This makes it much simpler to target communications with more precision and segment items in stores based on how products are likely to perform well for each customer. Customer tags in Shopify help businesses gain insights into their customers and make smarter decisions about how they approach promotions and product purchases.

    4. Blog Post Tag

    A blog post tag is a piece of metadata that you can add to individual blog posts within your Shopify store and it helps segment them into more specific categories. It lets you label all the individual posts on your blog with searchable keywords that describe its contents.

    They also make it easier for search engine bots to index your website and ensure your content appears in web searches related to its topic. 

    For example, you could use blog post tags for seasonal promotions, product categories, and upcoming events so customers can easily find content related to them. Not only is this convenient for customers, it also enables search engines to organize your post better and showcase the right pieces of content related to the customer’s search queries.

    5. Order Tag

    Order tags are created to organize the orders in your Shopify store and to quickly identify groups of orders that have similar characteristics. It helps merchants to email customers based on their order activity, such as those who have placed multiple orders or recently purchased a certain product. Ultimately, order tags provide merchants with an efficient way to better understand their customers and optimize online shopping experiences for them.

    When creating an order tag, merchants can assign words or phrases that help categorize and filter orders. These tags can include product names, customer groups, promo codes, payment methods, and more. Assigning tags will make it far easier to segment data in reports and analytics allowing merchants to get meaningful insights from their sales performance quickly and easily. 

    6. Draft Order Tag

    Shopify Draft Orders are tags that provide a simplified workflow for merchants. This tag allows merchants to build orders while they wait for payment confirmation. By giving customers the ability to save an order as a draft, and then picking it up to complete later, this tool makes it easy for businesses to manage their orders without overwhelming their customers. 

    With Draft Order Tag, shop owners can provide a better customer experience by ensuring that the incomplete orders stay organized until they’re finished, instead of getting lost in the shuffle. Additionally, this tag helps streamline updating product availability, as well as processing payments in order to complete the transaction for customers.

    Shopify CTA Illustration

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

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    Benefits of Using Shopify Tags

    Shopify Tags allow users to quickly locate items that require immediate attention by providing searchable categories – such as “need review,” “ship soon,” or “eligible for discount”. It gives merchants the ability to create custom tags tailored to their particular needs. This can increase customer satisfaction as well as help merchants keep track of orders with specific features like tracking the customer status – whether they are returning customers, active, or past purchasers. 

    Shopify Tags also allow merchants to tailor their messaging further with email segmentation. They can filter customers and send personalized messages that will be sure to increase customer engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and sales growth.

    Best Practices For Using Shopify Tags

    • Make sure your tags are accurate and relevant, as this will help shoppers understand what you have to offer. Try to keep your product tags as short as possible while still being descriptive – think 3-5 words at the most. 
    • You’ll also want to avoid duplicating tags or using any offensive language; tagging should remain professional and polite at all times. Taking the time to tag products correctly can save frustration down the line and ensure that customers have an enjoyable experience interacting with your store.
    • When it comes to optimizing a Shopify store, properly tagging products is incredibly important. Adding strategic tags helps visitors find the products they’re interested in easily, so it’s worth taking the time to get this right. The best product tag strategy is to create relevant, detailed descriptors that properly reflect the product associated with it, such as its use or target customer. 
    • Short and specific words or phrases work better here than longer ones. You can also streamline the process by grouping similar items with one set of tags applied across multiple items rather than itemizing each one separately – this will help you save time and resources in the long run.
    • Remember that while these tags will make it easier for users to find what they want quickly, simply listing common keywords won’t help – be creative and include origin stories or other specific product’s details to enhance engagement.


    Using Shopify tags can help you increase the visibility of your products. By tagging products with relevant keywords, it makes them easier to find in search engine results, giving shoppers more opportunities to discover your store and its products. Additionally, if you make use of Shopify’s SEO features, adding tags to your product descriptions can help boost their SEO rankings. To get assistance for your Shopify store, check out our Shopify Development Services.

    FAQs on Shopify Tags

  • How many tags should you use on Shopify?
  • When it comes to tagging your products, less is more. Aim for 3-5 tags per product that accurately describe the item and can easily be found by customers. Additionally, make sure any words you use are relevant and appropriate – avoid anything offensive or duplicated content.

  • Do tags on Shopify affect SEO?
  • Yes, tags on Shopify can help boost your SEO rankings. When adding tags to your product descriptions and other content, make sure they are relevant and targeted toward the item you’re promoting. This will ensure that customers who are searching for specific items in Google or other search engines are more likely to find your store.

  • What is the difference between collections and tags in Shopify?
  • Shopify collections are used to group similar or related items together so potential customers can easily find them. Tags, on the other hand, are keywords or phrases that accurately describe each product individually and help customers quickly identify what they’re looking for. Both collections and tags should be used strategically to make it easier for customers to navigate your store.

    Browse more related articles on our Shopify category page.

    More Blogs on Shopify

    12 Shopify Tips for New Store Owners

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    7 Shopify Page Builders to Try in 2023 Thu, 15 Dec 2022 11:39:26 +0000 Continue reading 7 Shopify Page Builders to Try in 2023]]>
    Shopify Page Builders

    Shopify Page Builder apps are plugins that allow users to customize their Shopify store pages quickly and easily. They provide a range of features to help merchants create unique and eye-catching designs, including drag-and-drop layouts, responsive design options, social media integration, and more. 

    With the help of Shopify page builders, merchants can create unique page layouts with drag-and-drop elements, responsive design options, social media integration, and more. This eliminates the need for coding knowledge or HTML expertise and makestdouble the design process much simpler and more streamlined. Plus, Shopify page builder apps offer a wealth of customization options so merchants can create stunning shop pages. 

    7 Best Shopify Page Builders Apps 

    If you’re looking to customize your store pages quickly and easily, then Shopify page builder apps are a great option. Let us take a look at a few best ones.

  • EComposer Landing Page Builder
  • EComposer is a high-converting page builder designed to give users an easy, fast, and stress-free way of creating engaging web pages. It offers hundreds of attractive templates that can be adjusted to match any business need. 

    Key Features:

    • Lets you design and customize the home page, product pages, colligation pages, blog posts, landing pages, and other general pages for your Shopify store
    • Allows you to change elements on the pages without using any code with the help of its drag-and-drop feature
    • Contains built-in extensions like Image Optimizer, Sticky Add to Cart,  AJAX Cart, Stock Notifications, Cross-selling, Custom Swatch Colors, etc
    • Provides a seamless shopping experience to the majority of shoppers with mobile-optimized layouts and elements


    • Free to install
    • Paid Plan – $14.99/month

  • GemPages Landing Page Builder
  • GemPages Landing Page Builder is an intuitive and sophisticated page builder which simplifies the process of creating attractive and creative pages. With GemPages, users can quickly build powerful pages with impressive results that lead to more conversions on the website.

    Key Features:

    • Gives users access to cutting-edge design features such as a vast selection of ready-made layouts, customizable fonts and color schemes, and advanced UI elements like forms, galleries, and maps
    • Lets you optimize your store with features like A/B testing and drive maximum conversions with integrated SEO tools
    • Gives the users a dropshipping tool to boost the shipping service
    • Allows turning the Shopify store into a high-converting store without the need for coding


    • Free to install
    • Build – $29/month
    • Optimize – $59/month
    • Enterprise – $199/month

  • PageFly Landing Page Builder
  • PageFly Landing Page Builder makes creating professional-looking web pages easy. From eCommerce stores to lead magnets and sales pages, this page builder allows you to customize your page however you need. 

    Key Features:

    • Lets you leverage the easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, customize with available themes, incorporate powerful widgets and detailed page analytics
    • It comes with unlimited A/B split testing for maximum conversion optimization potential
    • Provides 50+ elements and100+ beautiful pre-made templates that are ready for you to use and adjust to your desires and needs 
    • Provides 24/7 live chat support for all plans


    • Free
    • Pay as you go 1 – $24/month
    • Pay as you go 2 – $29/month
    • Pay as you go 3 – $199/month

  • LayoutHub ‑ Easy Page Builder
  • LayoutHub WebPage Builder is an intuitive visual page-building tool that used to be reserved for developers but is now available to everyone. With LayoutHub WebPage Builder’s up-to-date design library and comprehensive support options, it truly provides an all-in-one solution for website building needs.

    Key Features:

    • Integrated directly with web hosting providers so users can have their landing pages with no additional coding required
    • Allows non-techies to build modern and responsive landing pages from the comfort of their own homes – using only drag-and-drop
    • Offers hundreds of customizable sections such as video backgrounds, sliders, parallax effects, icons, maps, and form section features 
    • Lets you create fully responsive content quickly and efficiently


    • Freemium – Free
    • Basic – $14.99/month
    • Pro – $29.99/month
    • Premium – $59.99/month

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

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  • Shogun Landing Page Builder
  • Shogun Landing Page Builder is revolutionizing the way online marketers and website owners build landing pages. With Shogun, you can easily design beautiful, conversion-optimized landing pages in minutes. 

    Key Features:

    • By using intuitive drag-and-drop editing, users can create eye-catching layouts with ease. 
    • The powerful A/B testing feature helps you to quickly optimize your site for maximum audience engagement and lead conversion
    • Allows the Shopify shops to integrate with social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, etc to increase the customer’s conversion rate
    • Lets store owners easily insert the products data into any page that store owners want


    • Free
    • Build – $39/month
    • Measure – $149/month
    • Advanced – $499/month

  • Zipify Pages by Zipify Apps
  • The user-friendly technology has tools for rapidly creating websites and digital products, easily managing orders and payments, as well as automating customer communications. 

    Key Features:

    • Lets shoppers enjoy a personalized shopping experience from start to finish with multiple customizable page designs
    • The integrated social media features allow users to seamlessly integrate posts with their shop saving them time and energy
    • Runs with a Shopify connection for managing, displaying, and tracking your pages
    • Can be easily customized to match with the other parts of your online store, and lets you create an unlimited number of pages with the same highest quality


    • 14-day free trial
    • Basic – $67/month
    • Plus – $97/month

  • Buildify Landing Page Builder
  • The Buildify Landing Page Builder is a versatile tool that helps you create custom websites with complete ease and confidence. It doesn’t matter if you’re a coding veteran or a complete beginner, the simple user-friendly interface makes building pages straightforward and intuitive. 

    Key Features:

    • Features beautiful themes, an array of handy widgets, and drag & drop functionality to let you quickly assemble sleek and stylish web pages
    • Offers a generous package for beginning e-commerce merchants with more than 50 free page templates and 80+ widgets
    • The powerful drag and drop system that is based on widget style lets you design your own page just by easily drag and drop everything, without any coding skills required
    • As it is mobile-friendly, pages render well on an assortment of gadgets and screen sizes


    • Free
    • Starter – $9.99/month (7-day free trial)
    • Advanced – $19.99/month (7-day free trial)
    • Unlimited – $29.99/month (7-day free trial)

    Final Thoughts

    No matter which Shopify page builder app you choose, you can trust that it will help you create stunning pages for your store in no time. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can have your shop looking polished and professional. Shopify page builder apps make it easy to stand out from the competition and take your store’s design to the next level. To make your work easy, you can take the help of agencies having expertise in Shopify Development services.

    FAQs on Shopify Page Builders

  • Do page builders slow down your site?
  • No, page builder apps typically do not slow down your site. In fact, they can improve the speed and performance of your website. This is because page builders enable store owners to create leaner code that runs more efficiently than traditional coding methods.

  • Does Shopify have a drag-and-drop editor?
  • Yes, Shopify does have a drag-and-drop editor. It’s called the Shopify Theme Builder and it allows merchants to customize their store pages with simple drag-and-drop functionality. With this tool, you can quickly add page elements like text boxes, images, videos, and more by simply dragging them onto the page. 

  • Is there a free page builder for Shopify?
  • Yes, there are a few free page builder apps available for Shopify. These include PageFly Advanced Page Builder, Shogun Landing Page Builder, and Hektor Builder. Each of these tools offers helpful features such as responsive design, custom themes, drag-and-drop functionality, and more so you can create unique shop pages quickly and easily.

  • Is Shopify website builder easy to use?
  • Yes, the Shopify website builder is easy to use. It has a simple and intuitive interface so you can quickly create stunning shop pages without any coding knowledge or HTML expertise. Plus, Shopify offers powerful customization tools so you can customize your store pages exactly the way you want them.

    Browse more related articles on our Shopify category page.

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    7 Best Shopify Subscription Apps in 2023 Wed, 07 Dec 2022 14:13:19 +0000 Continue reading 7 Best Shopify Subscription Apps in 2023]]>
    Best Shopify Subscription Apps

    Shopify Subscription Apps are easy to use and make it possible to offer subscription services, like memberships or recurring items, straight from your existing Shopify site. Once set up, you’ll be able to manage customers subscriptions and make changes with ease. Not only that, but these apps also make it much easier for your customers too by providing them with information about their plans including pricing, renewal dates, and more.

    7 Best Subscription Apps for Shopify

    Let us check out some of the best Subscription Apps for your Shopify store.

  • Loop Subscriptions
  • Irrespective of the subscription products you want to sell, Loop Subscriptions can help you enable subscription business at your Shopify store with a few clicks. It also offers seamless integrations from other platforms in under 10 minutes.

    Key Features

    • Has a mobile-friendly passwordless customer portal that can be accessed without any password or OTP to manage subscription orders.
    • Payment methods are automatically retried so that subscription revenue is always on point.
    • Builds workflow to automate and personalize rewards based on different subscriber journeys.
    • Lets you get more subscribers easily with memberships and subscription boxes on checkouts.


    • Free to install
    • Growth – $99/month
    • Enterprise – 399/month

  • Seal Subscription
  • Seal subscription is a Shopify application that allows users to set up and manage their subscriptions with no coding involved. Shoppers can easily remove and add items to their subscription and reschedule billing attempts directly from the customer portal.

    Key Features

    • Compatible with all themes.
    • Adds the registration widget right next to the shopping cart on the product page.
    • Allows shoppers to mix subscriptions of different products in the same cart.
    • The app sends automated invoices, and does not bill the customers directly, instead uses checkout Shopify for any order.


    • Free to install
    • Supersale – $4.95/month
    • Rising star – $7.95/month
    • Legend – $20/month

  • Appstle Subscriptions
  • Appstle Subscriptions is an end-to-end recurring order and payment solution that enables you to offer subscription products at your Shopify store.

    Key Features

    • Offers multi-channel help via chat, email, and phone to accommodate your schedule at any time.
    • They have a fixed price model, i.e., they do not charge a per-transaction variable fee, which makes the billing straightforward and predictable.
    • Includes powerful tools to increase revenue and scale your business, such as segment-based plans, targeted upselling, inventory forecasting, etc.
    • Automatically send personalized emails to customers as well as trigger questionnaires to analyze why customers cancel subscriptions


    • Free to install
    • Starter – $10/month
    • Business – $30/month
    • Business Premium – $100/month

  • Yotpo Subscriptions
  • Yotpo is a simple-to-use subscription management app that offers safe and secure data migration from any subscription app.

    Key Features

    • Give your support team access to powerful customer management tools, create flexible subscription options, and set your shipping frequency and discount rates.
    • Make it convenient for customers to subscribe and easy to manage with a portal that puts shoppers in control.
    • User-friendly onboarding lets you add subscriptions to your store in 8 minutes or less.
    • It lets customers access the customer portal without the need to log in with a password.


    • Free

    One-stop solution for all your Shopify requirements!

    Set up your Shopify store or migrate to one with Zestard’s Shopify Development services.

  • PayWhirl Subscription Payments
  • PayWhirl lets you manage subscriptions and payments of your business in a hassle-free manner. It integrates with the Shopify checkout for a smooth customer experience and offers many designs to choose from.

    Key Features

    • Lets you enable and disable customer features without the need for coding.
    • Lets customers manage their own profile information, subscription history, and billing addresses associated with their subscriptions, without your assistance.
    • The designs offered are customizable that integrates seamlessly with any Shopify store theme if you want with ease.
    • Contains automatic dunning and failed payment management tools.


    • Starter – Free
    • Pro – $9/month
    • Plus – $49/month
    • Ultimate – $249/month

  • Recharge Subscriptions
  • Recharge subscriptions enables seamless check-out for customers and lets brands easily manage all subscriptions and increase conversion rates with endless customizations.

    Key Features

    • Supports all major payment processors such as PayPal, Shopify Payments, Apple Pay, and many more, in addition to credit cards.
    • Lets your customers enable SMS notifications and manage their subscriptions through the customer portal.
    • Lets your store control the store, can also control the number of subscriptions, and gather essential data to capture customers’ interest.
    • Integrates seamlessly with third-party apps such as Google Analytics, Ultimate Upsell, and Zapier to expand the features of your store.


    • Standard – Free
    • Pro – $499/month

  • Bold Subscriptions
  • Bold subscriptions is one of the most customizable options out there that lets you choose any aspect of the design, even the code.

    Key Features

    • Seamlessly integrates with Shopify discount codes.
    • Lets you send automated emails to subscribers regarding any changes in their subscription plan.
    • Auto installs the theme of your existing store and also lets you customize it effortlessly.
    • Provides you access to customer management tools to edit and manage subscriber accounts and even login as a customer.


    • 60-day free trial
    • Core – $49.99/month

    How Can Shopify Subscription Apps Help Your Business?

    Shopify subscription apps are incredibly useful for businesses as they offer a wide array of features. Not only do they allow customers to set up flexible and recurring payment plans, but they also facilitate the creation of customized billing rules and automatically optimize customer retention. With the help of subscription features, you can encourage repeat purchases from a loyal customer base, improve cash flow by creating a stable stream of recurring income, and save time and effort in tedious manual tasks like billing customers or generating invoices.

    Additionally, subscription apps integrate with Shopify’s intelligent analytics platform to make it easier than ever before to glean insights into performance metrics such as average order value or customer lifetime value. Leveraging this data even further can enable businesses to build an exceptional customer experience that is tailored to meet their needs while also growing your business.

    Final Thoughts

    When choosing the right subscription app for your business, it is important to consider the needs of your customers and the features of the app. The best subscription apps vary depending on the business’s needs and goals, so it’s important to do your research before choosing one. Have you tried using a Shopify subscription app for your e-commerce store? If not, check out our Shopify Development Services to get started.

    FAQs on Subscription Apps for Shopify Store

  • Can you run subscriptions on Shopify?
  • Yes, you can! Shopify makes it easy to offer subscription services to your customers. With just a few clicks, you can create automated recurring payments, manage your customer’s subscriptions, and even offer free trials or discounts on subscriptions. Shopify also allows you to customize how often customers are billed and how many payments they’ll have in advance.

  • How do I add a subscription app to Shopify?
  • By heading to the Shopify App Store, you can find an array of subscription services that offer features such as recurring payments and subscriptions tailored to different types and levels of customers. Subscription apps have easy setup processes and are designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing Shopify store.

  • How do I create a monthly subscription on Shopify?
  • Creating a monthly subscription on Shopify is relatively easy and straightforward. First, create an account for your business, choose the plan that works best for you, and select any apps that will help to run your store smoothly. Once your system is set up, you’ll need to design your products page so customers can quickly find what they’re looking for. Finally, enable subscriptions on your product page and provide customers with details such as length of subscription and subscription cost.

    Browse more related articles on our Shopify category page.

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    10 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins For Your Store Wed, 02 Nov 2022 06:17:36 +0000 Continue reading 10 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins For Your Store]]>
    10 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins For Your Store

    Plugins are required to bring in important features to your WordPress sites, such as adding contact forms, increasing website speed, creating an online store, managing payments, and many other features. There are over 55,000 plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory. With so many options to select from, it can be difficult to pick the best plugins according to your specific needs. We have curated a list of some of the best eCommerce plugins for WordPress.

    10 Best eCommerce Plugins for WordPress 

    Let us check out some of the best eCommerce plugins for your WordPress store.

  • Cart Recovery for WordPress
  • cart recovery for wordpress

    Cart recovery for WordPress brings abandoned cart recovery as well as tracking to your WordPress store. The plugin starts tracking names and emails as your customers enter these details at checkout. Also, you get fully automated cart repopulation and recovery emails.

    Key Features

    • Tracks customer names and emails as soon as they’re entered at checkout
    • Track abandoned carts, view stats in your WordPress dashboard, and configure automatic recovery email sending.
    • Integrates with WordPress’ GDPR compliance tools for data access and data removal requests.
    • Choose when to send your emails and schedule multiple emails at your convenience.
    • Get detailed stats right in your WordPress dashboard.


    • Basic Version – Free

  • Wholesale Suite
  • Wholesale Suite

    Wholesale Suite is a complete wholesale solution that combines three plugins – Wholesale Prices, Wholesale Order Form, and Wholesale Lead Capture. This plugin has innovative features that are suitable for online wholesalers. 

    Key Features

    • You do not require coding knowledge to know any coding to set up and use these plugins to run a wholesale store.
    •  Lets you create a separate product catalog that only wholesale customers can view.
    • It is customer friendly as well as user-friendly.
    • It is compatible with most plugins, themes, and setups. 
    • All the plugins come with 1 year of automatic updates along with 1 year of premium email support. 
    • Offers a 14-day refund policy. 


    • Growth Bundle – $148.50/year
    • Business Bundle – $298.50/year

  • WooCommerce 
  • WooCommerce

    WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, used by over 5 million websites. This plugin makes creating and managing an online store simple, with reasonable levels of flexibility and several vital features such as inventory and tax management, secure payments, and shipping integration.

    Key Features

    • Provides an extensive set of WooCommerce analytics displayed in a clear and intuitive interface.
    • Very simple to integrate WooCommerce with external analytics services like Google Analytics ecommerce with extensions.
    • Get the option of built-in payments for some of the top gateways, along with extensions for most major payment gateways.
    • Themes and plugins aren’t expensive, making WooCommerce an economical way to start an online store.
    • The extensions allow you to add more advanced eCommerce features without any custom coding.
    • Allows you to sell anything you want, such as digital goods, appointments, subscriptions, etc.

  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • Easy Digital Downloads

    Easy Digital Downloads is a simple, intuitive plugin for managing and selling digital products on WordPress websites. EDD has more features focused on digital sales, and the interface is much cleaner. So, if you’re only selling items like eBooks, PDF files, or audio clips (and nothing physical), you should seriously consider EDD over any of the other WordPress eCommerce plugins.

    Key Features

    • Works best for selling digital downloads since it clears out the features of physical products and has more advanced solutions for things like eBooks and music.
    • Lets you create a more advanced digital store by allowing front-end submissions or including software licensing.
    • Gives you plenty of options for choosing your own payment gateway.
    • Includes a full shopping cart, customer management, discount codes, and data reporting. You also receive tools for refund tracking, affiliate systems, mailing lists, and more.
    • Automatically sends an email with a download link once someone buys a product from your website.


    • Personal – $99.50/year
    • Extended – $159.60/year
    • Professional – $239.60/year
    • All Access Pass – $399.60/year

  • WP EasyCart 
  • WP EasyCart 

    WP EasyCart is built for small business owners who want to create a beautiful online store without needing to train at all. The store would still run on WordPress, but it provides a stunningly fast configuration process and understandable tools meant only for those non-developers out there.

    Key Features

    • A free plan is available with unlimited products and several tools for things like taxes, product variants, and selling videos.
    • Each of the extensions is clearly made for small businesses. You get options like AffiliateWP, MailChimp, Quickbooks,, and a Groupon Importer.
    • The forums are active and the video tutorials are helpful.
    • Supports the selling of several types of unique products like donations, invoices, eBooks, and video content.
    • WP EasyCart has one of the simplest interfaces for small business owners who want to get the site launched.


    • 15-days free trial
    • Standard Plan – $29.95/year
    • Plus Plan – $79.95/year
    • Pro Plan – $299.95/year
    • Enterprise Plan – Contact for quotes

  • Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart
  • Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart

    The Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping cart can be used on any website you’d like. However, it is most suitable for drupal sites. The core plugin is completely free and you’re getting more built-in features as opposed to a library of add-ons. The features are not scattered around a library or from third-party developers. 

    Key Features

    • Easily integrates with most website builders and content management systems. 
    • Both phone and chat support is provided, along with free customizations and priority support.
    • Provides a feature of auto-upgrade Plugins, whereas most other WordPress plugins require a manual upgrade.
    • Ecwid hosts the stores, so it’s PCI-DCC Certified and completely secure for making transactions between your gateway and bank. For most of the other plugins on the list, you have to attain PCI compliance from your hosting provider. 
    • Helps you instantly sell from multiple sales channels such as Facebook shops, mobile point of sales, online marketplaces, regular point of sales, eBay, and Google Shopping.


    • Basic – Free
    • Venture – $700/month 
    • Business – $1,500/month
    • Unlimited – $4,990/month

  • WP Simple Pay
  • WP Simple Pay

    WP Simple Pay is an easy-to-use payment plugin for accepting one-time and recurring payments on your WordPress website. It works as a standalone plugin, so you don’t need to install any addon to integrate with Stripe. You’ll need to create a payment form, and customers can use this form to make payments.

    Key Features

    • Comes with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop form builder. You can add, remove and customize form fields.
    • Lets you easily create payment forms for accepting one-time and recurring payments.
    • Offers discount coupon codes that can be made for one-time as well as recurring payment methods.
    • Allows you to accept money from multiple payment portals like Google Pay, Apple Pay, credit card payments, and ACH payments.
    • Offers complete control over customizing the payment confirmation details.
    • Provides integration with new and emerging trends like pay-later methods. You can easily connect with apps like Klarna and AfterPay to accept buy now, pay later payments.


    • Personal Plan – $99/year
    • Plus Plan – $199/year
    • Professional Plan – $399/year
    • Elite Plan – $599 (one-time cost)

  • BigCommerce for WordPress
  • BigCommerce for WordPress

    Earlier combining WordPress with BigCommerce wasn’t possible, you had to select either one. Now, BigCommerce is working on bringing together the power of WordPress content with the superior selling power of BigCommerce. You can place the BigCommerce module on multiple sites and not have any problems with syncing.

    Key Features

    • Get the combination of one of the best content management systems and one of the top e-commerce platforms out there.
    • BigCommerce partners with many processing companies and often get much better credit card processing rates for its users.
    • The e-commerce portion of your site is run on the backend, while the content is managed on the front end, effectively speeding up your site and potentially saving money for you on hosting costs.
    • All PCI Compliance is handled by BigCommerce. With plugins like WooCommerce, you would have to talk to your host for that security.
    • You can run the BigCommerce system on multiple sites.


    • 15 days free trial
    • Standard Plan – $29.95/year
    • Plus Plan – $79.95/year
    • Pro Plan – $299.95/year
    • Enterprise Plan – Contact for quotes

  • PushEngage
  • PushEngage

    PushEngage is the best web push notification plugin for WordPress. It allows you to send targeted messages and announcements to your website visitors using the browser push notification technology.

    Key Features

    • Uses push notifications alongside our email newsletter to increase our customer engagement and website traffic.
    • Comes with all the powerful features like drip campaigns, a/b testing, dynamic user segmentation, opt-in reminders, powerful analytics, goal tracking, and more.
    • Can automatically trigger cart abandonment notifications, price drop alerts, inventory alert notifications, and more.
    • Automatically sends out new blog post notifications to all of your subscribers.


    • Basic Plan – Free
    • Business Plan – $9/month (billed yearly)
    • Business Plan – $19/month (billed monthly)
    • Premium Plan – $22/month (billed yearly)
    • Premium Plan – $59/month (billed monthly)
    • Enterprise Plan – Contact for quote

  • Popupsmart 
  • Popupsmart 

    Popupsmart is a simple popup builder that allows you to increase your ecommerce sales and build your email list. Their easy-to-use software means that you won’t have to set aside much time to create your popups.

    Key Features

    • Targeting features such as exit-intent, geo-location, scroll triggers, HTML, and cookie targeting are widely used.
    • Check the statistics to see how well your new popups are converting


    • Free Plan
    • Basic – $24/month
    • Pro – $66/month 
    • Expert – $108/month

    Factors to Consider When Choosing Ecommerce Plugins for WordPress

  • Payment Solutions
  • The eCommerce plugin you select should be compatible with your preferred payment gateways by default or at least via an extension.

  • Apps and Integrations
  • Check whether your eCommerce plugin has integrations that are available for third-party apps such as email marketing services, CRM software, accounting software, etc.

  • Design and Customization
  • Your eCommerce store’s design is what your customers first see in your business. Ensure there are plenty of templates and easy customization options available.

  • Support Options
  • Ensure that the plugin you select has good support options available. Good support can save you a lot of money in the long run.


    Select the Ecommerce plugins depending on the requirements of your WordPress store. If you want maximum control and flexibility, opt for WooCommerce. Whereas, if you sell digital goods such as ebooks or music, opt for Easy Digital Downloads. Similarly, if you don’t want to manage the technical aspects of building an online store, BigCommerce is perfect for you. You could also consider investing in WordPress Development Services for all your WordPress requirements.

    FAQs on WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

  • Which plugin is used for eCommerce functionality in WordPress?
  • WooCommerce is specifically known for the eCommerce functionality feature it provides to WordPress websites. With a large number of add-ons and themes available, WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin in the world.

  • Is WordPress better for eCommerce?
  • Though WordPress is good for eCommerce, it is not the best solution. Whether WordPress is good for your eCommerce store, depends upon your business requirements and the products you sell. Other alternatives such as Shopify are worth exploring.

  • How long does it take to build a WordPress eCommerce website?
  • The time required to build a WordPress eCommerce website depends upon the size and complexity of the project. If the project is small, the website can be built within a month. Whereas, if the project is huge, building the website will require 3 to 4 months.

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