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Why Is SEO Important For eCommerce?

There are around 24 million eCommerce websites across the world. Let that number sink in! This figure alone makes a compelling case for the question: why is SEO important for eCommerce? However, when one digs deeper, the answer is more layered and nuanced than what one perceives at face value. So, to lend clarity to…

5 Best Gift Wrap Apps for Shopify

Gift wrapping is an excellent option when giving to dear ones or professional contacts. It adds a surprise factor to the recipient, creates a good impression, and protects the gift too. If you own an online store, you can provide your customers with the benefit of gift wrapping their products. With the increasing competition these…

HARO Pitch: 10 Tips To Write Successful Pitches

HARO is a platform used by journalists and reporters that require expert quotes and tips from various subject matter experts for their upcoming articles. Also, the people who are looking to increase their brand visibility can get in touch with these journalists and bloggers through this HARO platform. HARO platform gives you free access to…

6 Best Ecommerce Payment Gateway for Your Website

If people like the products or services that you are offering online, they will want to buy it of course. But this is not possible without a proper payment gateway unless you’re accepting cash on delivery.  Since cash on delivery is not the preferred choice of payment for most eCommerce merchants due to many reasons…

6 HARO (Help a Reporter Out) Alternatives for Your Business

Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is a fantastic resource for connecting journalists with the industry subject matter experts. It is considered to be an amazing link building for gaining online visibility. HARO has a million subscribers and hence you may have to compete against numerous pitches for the same query. Since there are over a…

Magento to Shopify Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Magento has been the go-to solution for many enterprise stores for a long time. However, the trends in the e-commerce landscape have taken a slight turn in recent years. More stores are choosing to sign up on other platforms like Shopify - and for good reason!  As a host to more than 600,000 businesses worldwide,…

HARO Study: Results from Analyzing 2500 Queries

We analyzed 2500 HARO queries to generate insights for digital marketers. We did the analysis to learn: What percentage of queries get published. Number of publications linking back to the source & nature of these links. DR & Organic Traffic of these websites. Popular & Unpopular HARO niches. Our study aims to help marketers decide…

6 Best Shopify Donation Apps in 2022

We are living in an age when businesses are going digital, customer-centricity, convenience, and innovation reign supreme, and instant gratification forms the cornerstone of any business transaction. However, despite all the efforts, the average customer craves something very fundamental - a human touch. The modern client is more eager to transact business with corporates that…

Clutch Recognizes Zestard Technologies as Top E-Commerce Development Partner in India!

Delivering high performing shopping experience and marketing solutions is what most online businesses look for nowadays. We at Zestard Technologies are experts in helping clients achieve their ROI through increased conversions, repeat business, and online visibility on search engines.  Are you in need of a web presence, an information hub, an e-commerce site, or all…

Zestard is an Exhibitor (Gold) Sponsor of WordCamp India 2021

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS (content management systems) in the world. The open-source platform hosts a thriving community of users, developers, designers, and marketers. WordCamp is one such community-driven and community-organized event surrounding WordPress and its applications. The first WordCamp was conducted in San Francisco in 2006. By 2010, it had grown…

Zestard is a Gold Sponsor of Meet Magento India 2021

Meet Magento is one of the largest eCommerce event-series hosted across 40 countries. The conference offers a unique opportunity for Magento developers, vendors, merchants, and other professionals to interact on a global platform. 2021 marks the 4th annual hosting of the Meet Magento event in India and shall kick off on the 4th of February.…

How to Write an E-Commerce Business Plan

If you own an e-commerce website, you need a business plan. A detailed plan tells you if your business idea is realistic and gives you a clear path to achieve your business goals. In this blog post, you will learn step by step how to write a solid e-commerce business plan. Why Should You Create…