Author: Boni Satani

HARO Pitch: 10 Tips To Write Successful Pitches

HARO is a platform used by journalists and reporters that require expert quotes and tips from various subject matter experts for their upcoming articles. Also, the people who are looking to increase their brand visibility can get in touch with these journalists and bloggers through this HARO platform. HARO platform gives you free access to…

6 HARO (Help a Reporter Out) Alternatives for Your Business

Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is a fantastic resource for connecting journalists with the industry subject matter experts. It is considered to be an amazing link building for gaining online visibility. HARO has a million subscribers and hence you may have to compete against numerous pitches for the same query. Since there are over a…

HARO Study: Results from Analyzing 2500 Queries

We analyzed 2500 HARO queries to generate insights for digital marketers. We did the analysis to learn: What percentage of queries get published. Number of publications linking back to the source & nature of these links. DR & Organic Traffic of these websites. Popular & Unpopular HARO niches. Our study aims to help marketers decide…

9 Web Design Mistakes That Result in Low Conversion Rates

  50 milliseconds: That's all it takes for visitors to form an opinion about your website if this study is to be believed. In other words, a poor and ill-conceived website design can cost you potential customers and lead to lower conversion rates.   So, in this blog, we will look at the top web…

What Is HARO and How It Works: A Complete Guide

What is HARO? HARO is an acronym of ‘Help a Reporter Out’. It’s a FREE service primarily used by journalists, who need Expert Quotes (or tips) from Subject Matter Experts (often referred to as a ‘Sources’) to add more value to their article. Journalists also use HARO to feature ‘New Products’ or ‘New Startups’ in…

10 Product Marketing Ideas to Survive Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is nothing less than a global crisis. Apart from being a danger to our health, COVID-19 has also endangered our economy. Many businesses are fighting to survive, and marketing will be the main channel of their recovery. Due to COVID-19, it is becoming tough to maintain a steady source of cash flow…

Top Content Marketing Agency in India

If you are aiming to increase the online reach of your business, you need to adopt the best content marketing strategy. It has been always said that “Content Is King” and with this fact, people are becoming more serious towards the content creation and promotion part. What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a kind…

What SEO Stands For: The Definitive Guide

What SEO Stands For? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is the practice of optimizing your website to increase the visibility of the website in organic search results of a search engine for specific keywords. By Organic, we mean without paying for the traffic that comes to your website. You probably might…

5 Pros and Cons of Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) is an open-source platform that’s developed by Google to help the publishers to improve the speed and readability of their mobile web pages. The Aim of AMPs is to decrease the loading speed of mobile web pages and make them fruitful for SEO purposes. As per Neil Patel, Speed is a…

Why SEO is Important For Your Business

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process which helps websites to optimize their search potential for their viewers. SEO is the reason why a search gets personalized. It analyses the most searched keywords by all the users and aligns the search options accordingly. SEO will certainly improve a website’s overall searchability, visibility, and improve search…

10 Amazing Web Design Trends

Web designing is sure to take a leap in the world of user experience. This year will be about mobile and speed that deliver eye-catching designs, faster loading times, search engine rank, and more. Web designing trends involve great things from unique designs to responsiveness. Here are some amazing web design trends for the year…

Fantastic and Creative Web Design Styles You Want to Know

Website design is inclusive of information and website structure, coupled with the overall user interface, the actual navigation, layout, icons, colours, fonts, and imagery. Straight lines are now giving way to several fluid shapes, and the typical dimensions of the circle, square, or a regular shape are now being implemented organically. The organic shapes and…

Bonus – Key Web Design Trends You Need To Know

Here are some key trends you should know to keep yourself in the top of the league. 1. Large and Experimental Navigations Navigations are the toughest elements to work with. Every year, designers come up with something innovative. With 2019, the trend of experimentation with navigations is about to continue. Your website homepage is more…

Multimedia is a Crucial Element for Websites

In web design, everything starts and ends with providing a better customer experience. Today, designers are making the maximum use of elements to make their websites stand out from the rest. There are innumerable ways in which you can enhance your brand’s digital experience with images and videos. The main purpose of using media in…

The Importance of Designing for Mobile First

When it is all about the smaller devices first, why not target them first? Mobile First is all about making sites and user interfaces mobile-friendly. As simple as it sounds, the mobile-first approach is a web designing concept. It is the best responsive or adaptive design approach. It targets the smaller screens first and the…

The Immense Visual Impact of 3D Elements and Illustrations

A strong visual impact is one of the most vital factors in web design. Engaging customer experience is only possible with the right balance of user interface, accessibility, and a visual impact. When it comes to a visually appealing website, web designs with 3D elements and Illustrations play a crucial role. They make websites look…

Popular Forms of Typography that Add Sheen to Design

A great design can speak volumes. It is essential to establish a connection between your website and your audience. This is achievable through text or web design context. Typography or fonts play a requisite role as a major communication factor. Going Beyond with Typography: With 2019, typography has become a trend with the evolution of…

Grid Approach Improve Your Design

The Grid makes elements in the frame or on a page appear more organized. Grid layouts can make all the UI elements like navigation bars, text boxes, etc. set in an organized way. They add asymmetry to the page and drives user attention. If you are unambiguous with your plan to accomplish the visuals in…

Best Website Color Schemes You Can Try

The world of web designing offers a wide spectrum of colors. How about playing with 16.8 million colors? Yes, designers and developers can leverage around 16.8 million colors to design a vibrant site. They can also experiment with the combination of diverse colors to form a palette. Moreover, the pool of choices becomes infinite. One…

Speed and Performance for Making a Lasting Impression

Speed and performance are the absolute need for great customer experience. Today, speed is an essential factor for a website as well as for a good SEO ranking on search engines. Every website owner should focus on providing the best user experience. Users demand quicker responses. No user wants to spend his valuable time waiting…